Attention Christians who want to know and mainfest the 7 main facets of God!

Discover The Seven Primary Faces Of God As Communicator, Papa, Creator, Provider, Redeemer, Teacher, And King

Let Go Of Any Orphan Mentality You Have And Be Transformed Into Your True Identity As A Son Or Daughter Of God

What would it look like if orphans ran the world?

Just look around! Spiritual "orphans" are ones who believe that, if God even exists, He has certainly left us to figure things out on our own. The various cultures of the nations display our best efforts, as "orphans," to care for ourselves - and look at the mess we have created!

Reformation Days - A reason to hopeThose with an "orphan" mentality don't believe that there is a Father Who genuinely cares and has good intentions towards us, and therefore don't look to Him for solutions. Even those who call themselves sons and daughters have not properly represented how good He is, perhaps because we have believed some of the same lies ourselves. Why call upon a King to give us His kingdom (His ways), if we think He ultimately doesn't care and, at best, watches to see if we will somehow pull things together ourselves?

"Orphans" crave to know they matter and have a purpose. The brokenness of the very culture we have created leaves us convinced that our Father has left us alone. We wrongly believe that we don't matter much to God and that we are mostly on our own until the day He decides to rescue us.

The truth is, we are already receiving the unshakable kingdom of God that Jesus Himself prayed would come to earth. When it has fully come we will know without doubt because nations will be filled with sons and daughters who know the heart of their Heavenly Father. These sons and daughters will be so convinced of His goodness that they will access His better way of doing everything and establish it on earth.

Creation and the nations will rejoice, not because Christians are "in charge" or dominating, but because Christians love and serve in such a way that the lies of the enemy about who God is can no longer be believed. He will become the Desire of the Nations when we display, through culture, the God of all of life - the One who indeed cares for His creation and is more than willing to provide solutions that help us know our value to Him.

Throughout history we see that God has always desired to have a people who knew the "real" Him. From the beginning He wanted us to have a relationship with nothing between us, face to face. So what is the "real" Him? It is significantly more than the God we have shown the world.

Who have you discovered God to be?
Who has the Church discovered God to be?

The answers to these questions are critical because we are not able to show the world a God that we haven't seen Him as ourselves.

  • Who does the world need to see God as?
  • What does an "orphan" long to believe?
  • Have we seen, and therefore can we display to them, a heart of a Father who loves without limits, cares for all with deep compassion, is intimately involved in the details of our lives, and can be trusted to give us the solutions to our every need and problem?


Are you ready to be a part of a generation of Christians who say yes to the most privileged assignment of all?

This assignment is nothing less than displaying to a world of "orphans" the correct reputation of our beautiful God - One who loves His creation so much that He cares about every area of life.

If you are ready to go deeper in your understanding of God's colorful nature, then we invite you to...

Rainbow God: The Seven Colors of Love

Living Intentionally by Expanding Your Perspective of God

This 9-lesson class was created to help you personally encounter the seven primary faces of God as Communicator, Papa, Creator, Provider, Redeemer, Teacher, and King.


Rainbow God bookThe Rainbow God Class will challenge you to recognize any potential lies you may have believed about God through the ways you personally experienced the broken systems of our culture - as well as discover the truth about God that we were meant to display in society.

Throughout the nine lessons of the Rainbow God Class, you will be inspired to let go of any "orphan" mentality you may have had and experience transformation into your true identity as a son or daughter of God.

Get ready to know a God who is eager to trust you with the solutions that society needs for every problem that exists. We are honored to have the opportunity to invest in you as you are being prepared to display His 7 colors of love!

Revelation 4:5 tells us there are 7 lamps of fire blazing around the throne and these are the 7 spirits of God.

During each session, we will cover five areas:

  1. We'll spend time gazing at the particular face of God that is being restored to society on each mountain or area of culture.
  2. We'll look at Him as Rainbow God and the particular color that's associated with His face.
  3. We'll look at the way each mountain connects to the Revelation 5:12 Template.
  4. We'll talk about the Angelic Forces of God that are fighting with us as we display the face of God in each specific area of culture. (Not a theology...what each name represents is significant.)
  5. We'll look at the Big Lies that are currently being perpetuated about God through the broken systems in each area of culture or mountain of society (in the context of the story of Elijah and the strategy he used to win the battle over Baal).

We'll see how the truth about God, viewed through each of His 7 faces, reveals His love and overcomes each specific lie that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. The true battle front is always the knowledge of God... His correct reputation being seen in the earth.

Here is what we cover during the 9 Sessions:

Session 1: The Knowledge of God (July 18)

"What you think about God is the most important thing about you." - A.W. Tozier

Knowledge of GodTo the degree we have a limited or diminished perspective of who God is, to that degree we ourselves are limited and diminished. In every nation there are 7 primary areas of culture in which we were meant to reflect an aspect of who God is:

  • Media
  • Family
  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Economy
  • Education
  • Religion
  • Government

We must bring SOLUTIONS into these 7 structures of society.

This Rainbow God course is about the idea of the faces of God being restored to society - a more advanced understanding of the 7 Mountain Mandate. This is the relational understanding of our assignment, which is of utmost importance, because our God is love.

Session 2: God as Communicator - Love Displayed in Media (August 2)

Everything about God has to do with good news and redemptive conversation - that which is uplifting and restorative, His point of view.

God as CommunicatorHis communication always expresses His plan of redemption for everything. Even when God requires repentance, He always contextualizes it with a promise of a good outcome. He's an encourager, an uplifter, a promise maker, with mercy dripping from His lips. He loves with His words and with the way He communicates.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Gazing at the face of God as Communicator
  • Why the color red for the Mountain of Media?
  • Chromotherapy: the study of healing through colors
  • The Revelation 5:12 template: love displayed as blessing
  • The angelic forces of God the Communicator on the mountain of media
  • The big lie about God in the mountain of media
  • The effect of a fact taken out of the context of the truth

Session 3: God as Papa - Love Displayed in Family (August 9)

God as PapaWe all have an assignment on the Mountain of Family. Our initial and most important assignment on every mountain is to first see that aspect of the face of God that is relevant for that mountain and then study and gaze at Him long enough to understand our mission.

We usually go after family matters in a backwards way - going after behavioral manifestations and seeking to work at things from that end. Therefore, we're usually trying to stop divorce, abortions, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, abuse, etc. - rather than prioritizing looking at the face of Papa God.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Gazing at the face of God as Papa
  • Rainbow God: the color orange
  • The Revelation 5:12 template: love displayed as strength
  • The angelic forces of Papa God on the mountain of family
  • The big lie about God in the mountain of family
  • Encountering God as Papa

Session 4: God as Creator - Love Displayed in Arts & Entertainment (August 15)

God as CreatorHe was Creator and He is still Creator and He's actually a compulsive creative. If we can't see Him in this way, we're going to have a hard time bringing successful reformation to the Mountain of Celebration (of Arts and Entertainment).

Many think our primary mission on this mountain is to bring values and the message of salvation to the big screen, but it really isn't. Those are assignments for those on the Mountain of Religion, where we showcase the Redeemer face of God. He's joyfully creative and that manifestation of His creativity brings heaven's wow factor with it to earth. His creativity always reveals His glory and it's meant to touch our emotions deeply.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Gazing at the face of God as Creator
  • Rainbow God: the color yellow
  • The Revelation 5:12 template: love displayed as glory
  • The angelic forces of God the Creator on the mountain of arts & entertainment
  • The big lie about God in the mountain of arts & entertainment
  • Encountering God as creator

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Session 5: God as Provider - Love Displayed in Economy (August 22)

God as ProviderMammon gets overthrown when the lie behind Mammon gets overthrown by the truth of who God is as Provider. Therefore our starting place is gazing at our Father as Provider and absorbing that truth into our ever-expanding perspective of who God is. As we look at Him as Provider, we're reminded that one of His primary names is Jehovah-Jireh which means "God is Provision."

This is an important understanding of God. Not only can He provide, but it is in fact something He is. He doesn't need to try to drum up a business or provision strategy to assist us. He is Provision.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Gazing at the face of God as Provider
  • Rainbow God: the color green
  • The Revelation 5:12 template: love displayed as riches
  • The angelic forces of God the Provider on the mountain of economy
  • The big lie about God on the mountain of economy
  • Encountering God as Provider

Session 6: God as Redeemer - Love Displayed in Religion (September 6)

God as RedeemerWe've celebrated this aspect of who He is so much that we've preached and lived as though this were all He is. It's clearly the greatest facet of His face for us as lost humanity. A redeemer is one who gains possession by payment or ransom. It's the payment for a prisoner.

We believe we all came from the heart of God before He put us on earth, but we're born lost and in need of being ransomed. All have sinned, and it's sin that separates us from the privilege of living eternally with God.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Gazing at the face of God as Redeemer
  • Rainbow God: the color blue
  • The Revelation 5:12 template: love displayed as honor
  • The angelic forces of God the Redeemer on the mountain of religion
  • The big lie about God on the mountain of religion
  • Encountering God as Redeemer

Session 7: God as Teacher - Love Displayed in Education (September 20)

If the end game is the true knowledge of God, then the entire process is a progressive education.

God as TeacherAs we gaze at Him as Teacher we see a God who cares more about us than about what He's trying to teach us. In our school systems, we're generally made to feel that the instruction is actually more important than us. A one-size-fits-all approach is taken and if we don't happen to make that connection, we're flunked. We're just another number and we learn to bend to the system or we're considered failures.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Gazing at the face of God as Teacher
  • Rainbow God: the color indigo
  • The Revelation 5:12 template: love displayed as wisdom
  • The angelic forces of God the Teacher on the mountain of education
  • The big lie about God on the mountain of education
  • Encountering God as Teacher

Session 8: God as King - Love Displayed in Government (September 26)

God as KingGod is the King, the President, the Governor, the Prime Minister, the Emperor, the Ruler of heaven and earth. God is all-powerful. There is zero rebellion or opposition in Heaven and the speck of a speck of a speck of evil and rebellion that exists on planet earth is something He could quickly and easily take care of alone - but He has chosen to show powers and principalities that He has a church/Bride that can also take care of His business and His interests.

In His almightiness, He has chosen to crush Satan's rebellion under our feet. His omnipotence is beyond needing help, but He has strategically chosen to "need" us.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • Gazing at the face of God as King
  • Rainbow God: the color violet/purple
  • The Revelation 5:12 template: love displayed as power
  • The angelic forces of God the King on the mountain of government
  • The big lie about God on the mountain of government
  • Encountering God as King

Session 9: Discovering His Image in You (October 10th)

Discovering His Image in YouThe discovery of who God is in us and what parts of His image we were best designed to carry is a search and journey all in itself. The large majority of people in the Body of Christ express having much doubt as to what their assignment is.

During this session, we will discuss:

  • The big lie about you: your life doesn't really matter
  • The lie behind the lie: God can't possibly make every person matter
  • The big truth about you: you have important things to do and say
  • Your destiny formula
  • Restoring His 7-fold image... in you
  • The 7 assurances


  1. When we encounter God as Communicator, we are assured of our DESTINY.
  2. When we encounter God as Papa, we are assured of our ACCEPTANCE.
  3. When we encounter God as Creator, we are assured that we are ENJOYED.
  4. When we encounter God as Provider, we are assured of His PROVISION.
  5. When we encounter God as Redeemer, we are assured of our ETERNAL SECURITY.
  6. When we encounter God as Teacher, we are assured of our IMPORTANCE.
  7. When we encounter God as King, we are assured of our ROYALTY.

YOU are DESTINED. You're ACCEPTED. You are ENJOYED. You're PROVIDED FOR. Your future here and for eternity is SECURE. You are IMPORTANT. You are ROYALTY.

Blessings to each of you!

Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow

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How This Training Works

Online TrainingIn the summer of 2017, Johnny and Elizabeth taught this 9-lesson class LIVE.

Now, when you enroll you receive IMMEDIATE access to a private member site with resources for all nine lessons, including video replays, audio replays, study-guides, PowerPoints, transcripts, and more.

With your class membership, you have access to all online class resources for 12 months. Plus, you can download the resources to your computer to have access to them for lifetime.

The purpose of this class is to help you understand and experience the seven primary faces of God as Communicator, Papa, Creator, Provider, Redeemer, Teacher, and King..


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction GuaranteeWe know this training will give you vital insight into the days in which we are living, so I'm offering a 100% money back guarantee with this training program. So, if for any reason you are not delighted with this course within 30 days of when you sign up, we will either reconcile the problem or refund your entire investment.

You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

Your success is our success and vice versa!

Summary of What You Get

9-session online class including:

  • Session 1: The Knowledge of God
  • Session 2: God as Communicator - Love Displayed in Media
  • Session 3: God as Papa - Love Displayed in Family
  • Session 4: God as Creator - Love Displayed in Arts & Entertainment
  • Session 5: God as Provider - Love Displayed in Economy
  • Session 6: God as Redeemer - Love Displayed in Religion
  • Session 7: God as Teacher - Love Displayed in Education
  • Session 8: God as King - Love Displayed in Government
  • Session 9: Discovering His Image in You

Additional Benefits

  • Immediate access to private member site with audio and video replays, study-guides, PowerPoints, transcripts, and more
  • 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee


Rainbow God: The Seven Colors of Love
Priority Order Form

YES! I want to encounter the seven primary faces of God as Communicator, Papa, Creator, Provider, Redeemer, Teacher, and King.

After you enroll, you will receive IMMEDIATE access to all 9 lessons, including video replays, audio replays, study-guides, PowerPoints, transcripts, and more.

With your membership, you have access to all online class resources for 12 months. Plus, you can download the resources to your computer to have access to them for lifetime.

The retail price for this wonderful training program for all 9 sessions is $300 USD.

CLICK the payment option you prefer to join!

Single payment of $200

Three monthly payments of $100

Six monthly payments of $50

All payments are processed using a secure server


Johnny and Elizabeth EnlowBlessings to know and manifest the seven colors of God's love!

Johnny and Elizabeth

Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow
Authors and international speakers
Cofounders of R.I.S.E. (Refomers Influencing Society Every Day)


Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow are social reformers at heart, as well as international speakers and authors of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, Rainbow God, The Seven Mountain Renaissance, and Becoming A Superhero.

As ones focused on the reformation of the 7 primary areas of culture, they are spiritual mentors to many in Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.

Their passion is to awaken our generation to the reality of the God of all of life, Who not only cares for our souls, but also has practical solutions to offer through His sons and daughters for every problem that exists in society.